Hi I'm Danny Brokov, the founder of Brokov Unlimited. I started my career in the building and construction industry as a 20 year old after leaving my love for graphic design. My passion was and always has been drawing and designing, after persuing graphic design I found that it wasn't for me at that time. Computer's were new to the world in 2000 and I couldn't understand the concept of art in the digital form so after 2 years I decided to leave and go into the construction industry. After completing my apprenticeship in Painting and Decorating I jumped straight into self employment in my trade and looked to grow my business. In 2008 I went back to school and spent 2 years to become a qualified builder and In 2010 became a registered building practitioner. Ever since I have had a successful career building and improving peoples homes.
Fast forward to 2020 and I found myself at a crossroad. With all the restrictions placed on us all through that time I couldn't continue working at full capacity and all of a sudden found that I had a lot of free time. Although I had always continued drawing and designing and over time spent many hours on my computer running my business I went back to school and began furthering my skills in computer's and design and now have graphic design added to my port folio of expertise.